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The Litecoin PC wallet does have a feature to create a QR code with a defined amount of money to be send. This could be used by restaurants or businesses to order items. The customer would need the Coinbase account to read the QR code. In late 2017, Litecoin traded down to $79.75 then traded up to $100. See Post
Could cryptocurrencies change global commerce? Litecoin allows global transactions with small fees. Anyone with a computer can download a Litecoin wallet and then accept payments. Otherwise they would need to get an account with an online company. The public wallet address can be copied and pasted as text as a way to accept payment. The public wallet address transactions are available to see on many websites. It can also be used to review merchants. Online sales can be made by anyone with a phone who provides contact information, their litecoin payment address, and is able to ship their product. See Post
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