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When defining form elements, make sure to define the "id" tag. This is required to use document.getElementById("id").value in Javascript.
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The advertisement on the top is your advertisement. You can earn money when people click on the advertisement. You would need an Adsense account to obtain the code to submit with notes. The advertisments can adjust to the screen size of the device from a smart phone to a desktop.
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Adsense allows you track the performance of your advertisements on Two Cents. Give the ad a unique name like Two Cents to track your earnings from this site. It can also let you track the views for your post. When you create an Ad on Adsense, look at the client information and slot information and place it into the form space provided.
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Your advertisement on top is designed to change size to fit mobile devices. This will help to display this page well on smart phones. When the page is loaded on a desktop, a larger advertisement with possibly more individual advertisement units will be shown.
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What is Adsense? It is a great service provided by Google which allows publishers to place advertisements near their content and earn money when visitors visit the advertisers. It is free to join.
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To promote original content and discussion, the reply post has a ten percent chance of showing the advertisements from the original post. This is a way for people to earn money even when their own content is not being shown, which is a unique feature of Two Cents.
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When people reply, they can help you earn money. The reply posts have a ten percent chance of showing your advertisement. When they show the original contributors advertisement, a small notification will be shown below the advertisement.
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Chitika has a wide variety of display and text advertisements. In addition, they have video advertisements which only play sound when the mouse is hovered over them. Their advertisements work well on mobile devices. Two Cents has a simple design which displays well on desktop and mobile devices. About 30 percent of internet traffic is on mobile devices.
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The lactulose breath test can be used to detect bacterial overgrowth. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth can cause symptoms such as bloating and abdominal pain. It occurs when there is an excessive number of bacteria in the small intestine. Diabetes can be a risk factor for bacterial overgrowth. The test takes about three hours. If the test is positive, then patients can be treated with antibiotics.
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6/21/14 - Germany and Ghana played to a 2-2 tie. The first half of this game was a good example of why this sport does not gain popularity in the United States. A significant part of the half was played in the middle of the field. Germany was playing a very defensive game against a faster opponent. Ghana was not capitalizing on their opportunities. They do have some good passes here and there. When a ball is kicked into the open field, they have the speed to get it and make a play.
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Comments can also help you earn money. Place your own Chitika client id into your post. When people click on your comment, your post and advertisement shows up. Additionally, when people comment on your post, that post has a ten percent chance of showing your advertisement. It is a referral bonus.
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