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From a retrospective study: "392 patients had a normal MRCP of which 71 underwent an ERCP investigation demonstrating a CBD stone in 29 patients. A normal MRCP was found to have a 93% negative predictive value (NPV) and 89% probability of having no CBD stone demonstrated as well as no readmission due to gallstone disease within six months following MRCP."
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Create content with your Adsense code shown above. Link to notes from other people to drive traffic. Instead of making posts on social media websites and earning no money, start making money with posts here at Two Cents.
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The advertisement on the top is your advertisement. You can earn money when people click on the advertisement. You would need an Adsense account to obtain the code to submit with notes. The advertisments can adjust to the screen size of the device from a smart phone to a desktop.
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Adsense allows you track the performance of your advertisements on Two Cents. Give the ad a unique name like Two Cents to track your earnings from this site. It can also let you track the views for your post. When you create an Ad on Adsense, look at the client information and slot information and place it into the form space provided.
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To verify your advertisement is being shown on top of your post, right click on most browsers and click on view source. Then go to the adsense page and compare it to the code provided for your advertisements. Also check your adsense display information from their website.
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Another way to track your advertisement data is to create your own channel for the adsense advertisement you created for Two Cents. This could allow you to better track your earnings from the Two Cent website.
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To promote original content and discussion, the reply post has a ten percent chance of showing the advertisements from the original post. This is a way for people to earn money even when their own content is not being shown, which is a unique feature of Two Cents.
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If advertisements are shown from the prior post, they will be tagged below the advertisement accordingly. Advertisements will only be shown from the prior post, and they can only be shown 10 percent of the time according to a random number generator. Click on view source to verify your advertisement is being shown. In fact, look at the code for this post and compare it to the prior post.
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Peutz Jeghers. Pigmentation decreases from birth to teenage years.
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Good songs from June 2014. Bastille Pompeii. Great beat. Classic lyrics. And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love.
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Two Cents encourages linking since it helps users navigate through conversations. It also generates traffic between different content providers. Bloggers usually need to get permission from other bloggers to obtain links from other blogs. Two Cents allows open linking. After you write a post, anyone who replies gets a link to their own post. The first five replies are shown and more can be seen by clicking on the link to see more replies. The more replies pages advertising is owned by Two Cents.
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