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12 centimeters comes up twice in Gastroenterology. It's the length of the duodenum. Rectal cancer is defined as located 12 centimeters from the anal verge.
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Carcinoid - types I and II: elevated gastrin levels, significantly lower malignancy potential, no intervention is needed if they are less than 1 cm in size. Type III gastric carcinoids: sporadic, absence of atrophic gastritis or gastrinoma. Fasting serum gastrin level: normal in type III gastric carcinoid tumor patients. ...Read more

H. pylori infection after first-line triple and quadruple therapies, resistant to metronidazole and clarithromycin are common. Levofloxacin is a third line therapy. ...Read more

Dyspepsia - < 55 year old, low-risk patient with no alarm features, the first-line therapy: antisecretory therapy for 4-8 weeks ...Read more

Gastrin is cleared by the kidneys. Renal failure patients therefore have inappropriate elevated levels of gastrin and higher acid output in the stomach. ...Read more

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12 centimeters comes up twice in Gastroenterology. It's the length of the duodenum. Rectal cancer is defined as located 12 centimeters from the anal verge.
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