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Blood in the fundus, body, and antrum interfering with visualization. Grade 2 esophageal varices with nipple sign[]. Banded times three with eradication of varices.
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Propranolol 10 mg PO BID on on discharge titrated by heartrate. Octreotide drip for three days. ...Read more

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Blood in the fundus, body, and antrum interfering with visualization. Grade 2 esophageal varices with nipple sign[]. Banded times three with eradication of varices.
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[] []male presented with []. Denies hematemesis, hematochezia, or melena. Acute blood loss anemia - probable iron deficiency anemia. Differential diagnosis includes gastric ulcer, gastritis, esophagitis,[] and less likely colon cancer. Risks/benefits of EGD discussed with patient[] including bleeding, infection, perforation, and death. Patient agreeable to proceed with upper endoscopy. Ordered iron studies.
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Effient is prasugrel. Plavix is clopidogrel. They're both blood thinners for cardiac stents. See ASGE Guidelines: The management of antithrombotic agents for patients undergoing GI endoscopy
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2 MILLION AMERICANS WILL SUFFER FROM ADDICTION TO PRESCRIPTION OR ILLICIT OPIOIDS. President Trump announces initiative on opioid addiction in 2018. Methadone treatment was associated with a lower risk of severe food insecurity according to an article published on Pubmed.gov. Another study showed methadone maintenance treatment is associated with greater reductions in heroin use, blood borne virus risk behaviours, drug-related illegal behaviours, and monthly drug spending compared with center based compulsory treatment in Vietnam.
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Eliquis also known as apixaban can be used for blood clots and atrial fibrillation.
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[] []male presented with []. Denies hematemesis, hematochezia, or melena. Acute blood loss anemia - probable iron deficiency anemia. Differential diagnosis includes gastric ulcer, gastritis, esophagitis,[] and less likely colon cancer. Risks/benefits of EGD discussed with patient[] including bleeding, infection, perforation, and death. Patient agreeable to proceed with upper endoscopy. Ordered iron studies. Transfuse to hemoglobin of 8.
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ICD 10 Diagnosis for Gastroenterology. Inpatient Gastroenterology. Hematemesis, hematochezia, melena, acute blood loss anemia, elevated liver enzymes, dysphagia esophagopharyngeal, epigastric abdominal pain, right upper quadrant abdominal pain, left upper quadrant abdominal pain, right lower quadrant abdominal pain, abnormal CT, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, alcoholic cirrhosis, non-alcoholic cirrhosis, C. difficile diarrhea, acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, biliary pancreatitis, cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, cyclic vomiting syndrome, abnormal intraoperative cholangiogram.
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Hematemesis-Hx of varices () Acute blood loss anemia-() Alcohol abuse- () seizures. Elevated INR with low platelets-likely secondary cirrhosis Plan: IV fluids Keep NPO Continue Protonix and Sandostatin drip, IV Rocephin Monitor H&H > greater than 7. Avoid alcohol Seizure Precaustions Differential diagnosis includes gastric ulcer and esophageal varices. Risks/benefits of EGD with possible variceal banding discussed with patient and family including bleeding, infection, perforation, and death. Patient agreeable to proceed with upper endoscopy. Patient counseled on avoiding alcohol use. Thank you for consultation.
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Hematemesis-Hx of varices () Acute blood loss anemia-() Alcohol abuse- () seizures. Elevated INR with low platelets-likely secondary cirrhosis Plan: IV fluids Keep NPO Continue Protonix and Sandostatin drip, IV Rocephin Monitor H&H > greater than 7. Avoid alcohol Seizure Precaustions Differential diagnosis includes gastric ulcer and esophageal varices. Risks/benefits of EGD with possible variceal banding discussed with patient and family including bleeding, infection, perforation, and death. Patient agreeable to proceed with upper endoscopy. Patient counseled on avoiding alcohol use. Thank you for consultation.
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Hematemesis-Hx of varices () Acute blood loss anemia-() Alcohol abuse- () seizures. Elevated INR with low platelets-likely secondary cirrhosis Plan: IV fluids Keep NPO Continue Protonix and Sandostatin drip, IV Rocephin Monitor H&H > greater than 7. Avoid alcohol Seizure Precaustions Differential diagnosis includes gastric ulcer and esophageal varices. Risks/benefits of EGD with possible variceal banding discussed with patient and family including bleeding, infection, perforation, and death. Patient agreeable to proceed with upper endoscopy. Patient counseled on avoiding alcohol use. Thank you for consultation.
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