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GDAX is a trading platform connected to Coinbase. Bot trading does exist for Litecoin. Multiple small trades are being performed on the exchange for about $1.40 per trade. These might be a large amount of automated trading by computers to generate returns through an entire day of trading. As of December 2017, the bigger trades on GDAX are few and far between. Some are from 10 to 70 litecoins, which is roughly $3,000 to $21,000. GDAX does integrate well with Coinbase and allow limit orders.
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Transferring Bitcoin on 12/21/17 costs a significant amount of money. To send $182 costs $32.23. This is a 15% fee and is unacceptable for any financial transaction which wants to supplant other forms of currency or asset classes. Meanwhile, sending $564 worth of Litecoin costs $1.48. Test out the numbers by opening your Coinbase Bitcoin or Litecoin wallet and clicking send. As far as transaction costs, litecoin is winning. ...Read more

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GDAX is a trading platform connected to Coinbase. Bot trading does exist for Litecoin. Multiple small trades are being performed on the exchange for about $1.40 per trade. These might be a large amount of automated trading by computers to generate returns through an entire day of trading. As of December 2017, the bigger trades on GDAX are few and far between. Some are from 10 to 70 litecoins, which is roughly $3,000 to $21,000. GDAX does integrate well with Coinbase and allow limit orders.
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