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Organ Mountain from the trail on top of the dam at sunset. Las Cruces 2019

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Versace Aeros is an excellent cologne. ...Read more

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Dysphagia - esophagopharyngeal. Due to []. Risks/benefits of upper endoscopy with PEG tube placement discussed with patient[] including bleeding, infection, perforation with injury to other organs, and death. Patient[] agreeable to proceed with upper endoscopy with PEG tube placement.
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Dysphagia esophagopharyngeal - Risks and benefits of upper endoscopy with percutaneous gastrostomy tube placement discussed with patient[] including bleeding, infection, perforation with injury to other organs, and death. Patient[] agreeable to proceed with upper endoscopy with PEG tube placement.
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Organ Mountain from the trail on top of the dam at sunset. Las Cruces 2019
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