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Adsense allows you track the performance of your advertisements on Two Cents. Give the ad a unique name like Two Cents to track your earnings from this site. It can also let you track the views for your post. When you create an Ad on Adsense, look at the client information and slot information and place it into the form space provided. ...Read more

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Write about anything you want. Music, sports, entertainment. Make sure you own the copyright to the material you post. Try a web search to see if any material has been written about your topic. Share your content on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus. Sharing on Google Plus can show your results in their search engine.
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For international diversification and to invest broadly, consider PowerShares FTSE RAFI 1000 Index ETF (PXH) or FTSE RAFI All World 3000. International markets may perform better than the United States at certain times. PXH has a 2.7% yield also.
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Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund Investor Shares provides significantly more exposure to Brazil, Russia, India and China. It is significantly more volatile, with a 50 percent drop and 70% increase around the financial crisis. Expense ratios are 0.33%. The fund has 20% invested in China. Other countries with greater than 10% allocation are India, Taiwan, and Brazil.
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Bought 100 shares of GE at $26.23. Plan to sell a covered call. Has a dividend yield of 3%. Near a 52 week high. Sold appliance sector.
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Bought 100 shares of GE at $26.23. Plan to sell a covered call. Has a dividend yield of 3%. Near a 52 week high. Sold appliance sector.
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Bought shares of GE to sell covered calls in October. Went down from $26 to $24. Made minimal money selling a $26 covered call and buying it back. Now the stock is back to $25.44. Possibly can sell another covered call around $25.5 at this price. It's possible GE will head back down to $24. Apple is doing well going from $99 to $104. Iphone 6 is selling well.
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Bought 100 shares of general electric at 26. Sold a covered call at 26 for $43. Shares dropped to $24. Bought back the covered call for $1. Barely made $20 bucks after commissions. Can sell covered calls again at 25.50.
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Nokia appears to have sold its mobile device business to Microsoft. The company trades under NOK and is currently involved in telecommunications infrastructure. The shares are volatile at 8.22 but the options carry high yields at 5% in a month.
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General electric is selling at 26 in December 2014. It's yielding 88 cents. Buying 100 shares and selling the 27 covered call for $1 would yield about 7 percent for the year. The stock trades down to 25 often, so that would be a time to sell out of the covered call.
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