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Individual stock picking involves significant risk. Looking at the investor relations section for Twitter, it appears they bring in significant revenue. Total revenue for 2014 is projected to be 1200 million, capital expenditure is 300 million, but stock expense is around 600 million. Once this company gets beyond stock expenses, it seems like it's profit margins would be exceptional.
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One engineer at Twitter earned 10 million in stock compensation in one year. An engineer at Facebook apparently earned 24 million. The revenue at these companies is significant, so they can afford to pay engineers these salaries. The competition for talented engineers is also increasing these payouts. ...Read more

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Your advertisement on top is designed to change size to fit mobile devices. This will help to display this page well on smart phones. When the page is loaded on a desktop, a larger advertisement with possibly more individual advertisement units will be shown.
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Individual stock picking involves significant risk. Looking at the investor relations section for Twitter, it appears they bring in significant revenue. Total revenue for 2014 is projected to be 1200 million, capital expenditure is 300 million, but stock expense is around 600 million. Once this company gets beyond stock expenses, it seems like it's profit margins would be exceptional.
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Blockchain for the US Dollar. Bitcoin and Litecoin work from an open source program. The cryptocurrencies can be considered a bubble with prices rising significantly in 2017. However, the technology can have other uses. Each wallet in the block chain network keeps a ledger of all the transactions performed. This ledger has already increased in size to 145 gigabytes for Bitcoin and about 11 gigabytes for Litecoin. Banks and individuals could use the block chain network to make payments with US dollars. There would be no currency created by mining but there could be transaction fees. Also there would not be a bubble in a limited currency which can be seen as a positive or negative. Currently each bank has their own system for sending money between their customers. This could be a decentralized system to send US dollars with lower transaction fees than current systems. Donate with Bitcoin: 1Juq1ULc41vcy1ksJ1HcHrsMKnT1bywsy2 || Donate with Litecoin at Lb5yfdMvvRDJZLDqkmLhLBTJPXa2QKCBMC
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Blockchain for the US Dollar. Bitcoin and Litecoin work from an open source program. The cryptocurrencies can be considered a bubble with prices rising significantly in 2017. However, the technology can have other uses. Each wallet in the block chain network keeps a ledger of all the transactions performed. This ledger has already increased in size to 145 gigabytes for Bitcoin and about 11 gigabytes for Litecoin. Banks and individuals could use the block chain network to make payments with US dollars. There would be no currency created by mining but there could be transaction fees. Also there would not be a bubble in a limited currency which can be seen as a positive or negative. Currently each bank has their own system for sending money between their customers. This could be a decentralized system to send US dollars with lower transaction fees than current systems. ‪All bubbles are an immense transfer of wealth to early investors‬. See 1999.
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Simple code to add Facebook Comments plug in to any page. The page's URL would need to be entered into the plugin code. An URL for each individual page on your website could be made using PHP.
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