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Listening to Pandora and hoping to find an inspiring song. Social media aggregates everybody's musings into a stream and then inserts advertisements.
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Spend time on your health and your education. The time spent on both will have long term rewards. Twenty minutes doing exercises is worth being late and listening to an ebook on the ride into work are good habits. ...Read more

Places to run in Paris. Champs de Mar at the base of the Eiffel Tower. Run from the Eiffel Tower to the Louvre. The blocks are very long so there are less interruptions from stop lights. ...Read more

Half a loaf of bread is better than no bread. Heard on an interview in Baltimore on NPR. ...Read more

At a orthodox festival. Being bold is an inherent characteristic. Stepping out into the dance floor as the first person takes a certain amount of courage. However, someone has to be the first one out there. ...Read more

Free time and close proximity are the mostmost important factors in meeting together. Build on this. ...Read more

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Listening to Pandora and hoping to find an inspiring song. Social media aggregates everybody's musings into a stream and then inserts advertisements.
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Spend time on your health and your education. The time spent on both will have long term rewards. Twenty minutes doing exercises is worth being late and listening to an ebook on the ride into work are good habits.
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Walmart patented a system to listen to customers and shoppers to evaluate employee interactions. This will raise privacy questions and stores may have to disclose there is audio surveillance along the same lines as video surveillance. Walmart has been at the forefront of investing in technology. They had the largest computer network for a retailer in the 1990s until the internet arrived. Now, they have made significant investments into online retail such as Jet.com and improvements in their app and website. Jet.com was an interesting purchase as it allows Walmart to expand into the urban market. Throughout Walmart's history, it has had difficulty entering cities. The resistance has been from finding retail space to community protests against a big box retailer. Now, the about us section of Jet.com states getting obtaining city essentials, all in one place. -January 2019
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