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Spend time on your health and your education. The time spent on both will have long term rewards. Twenty minutes doing exercises is worth being late and listening to an ebook on the ride into work are good habits.
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Vedolizumab in IBD. Crohn's disease, clinical response and remission were achieved in 54% (95% confidence interval (CI) 41-66%) and 22% (95% CI 13-35%) by week 6 and in 49% (95%CI 37-51%) and 32% (95%CI 23-42%) by week 14. Ulcerative colitis, clinical response and remission was achieved in 43% (CI 95% 37-49) and 25% (CI 95% 12-45) by week 6 and in 51% (95%CI 43-61%)and 30% (95%CI 24-36%) by week 14/22; at week 52, clinical response and remission. ...Read more | Entyvio

Showing related posts to Spend.

Spend time on your health and your education. The time spent on both will have long term rewards. Twenty minutes doing exercises is worth being late and listening to an ebook on the ride into work are good habits.
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Bitcoin passed $10,000 on November 28, 2017. People spend money to buy airline frequent flyer miles. Sometimes it requires 15,000 miles to buy a one way ticket and other times the price is increased to 30,000 miles. Paper currency is a relatively new invention. The United States dollar was not backed by a precious metal during the Civil War and War of 1812. After 1971, it was no longer backed by gold. Bitcoin can be used as an international currency free from local economic risks.
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2 MILLION AMERICANS WILL SUFFER FROM ADDICTION TO PRESCRIPTION OR ILLICIT OPIOIDS. President Trump announces initiative on opioid addiction in 2018. Methadone treatment was associated with a lower risk of severe food insecurity according to an article published on Pubmed.gov. Another study showed methadone maintenance treatment is associated with greater reductions in heroin use, blood borne virus risk behaviours, drug-related illegal behaviours, and monthly drug spending compared with center based compulsory treatment in Vietnam.
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Covered puts - November 2019 - sold Wynn puts at 112, reported terrible earnings but the stock went from 124 to 127 the next day. Sold Booking.com BKNG covered puts at 1785. The stock was down 100 points due to poor earnings from Expedia. Spending on search through Google affected Expedia's earnings. Priceline does not need Google for advertising. Priceline is owned by Booking.com and reported solid earnings. The put expired worthless.
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March 25, 2020 - a bill in the United States Senate will spend about $2 trillion on relief for the coronavirus. $208 billion of loans to affected companies. (1) Not more than $50,000,000,000 shall be available for passenger air carriers. (2) Not more than $8,000,000,000 shall be available for cargo air carriers. (3) Not more than $150,000,000,000 shall be available for other eligible businesses. The complete bill can be found at the link. #stocks
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LVS - Las Vegas Sands owns casinons in Las Vegas and Macau. Dividends were suspended due to coronavirus. Casinos were closed in Vegas. +peratio
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