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Vedolizumab in IBD. Crohn's disease, clinical response and remission were achieved in 54% (95% confidence interval (CI) 41-66%) and 22% (95% CI 13-35%) by week 6 and in 49% (95%CI 37-51%) and 32% (95%CI 23-42%) by week 14. Ulcerative colitis, clinical response and remission was achieved in 43% (CI 95% 37-49) and 25% (CI 95% 12-45) by week 6 and in 51% (95%CI 43-61%)and 30% (95%CI 24-36%) by week 14/22; at week 52, clinical response and remission.
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Efficacy, Safety and Mucosal Healing of Methotrexate in a Large Longitudinal Cohort of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients. MTX was administered to 341 patients (262 CD; 79 UC) out of 2,660 patients. MTX effectiveness was 59.5% (128/215) in CD and 40.0% (24/60) in UC (chi2 = 7.2409, p = 0.007). #gastro ...Read more | Methotrexate

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Vedolizumab in IBD. Crohn's disease, clinical response and remission were achieved in 54% (95% confidence interval (CI) 41-66%) and 22% (95% CI 13-35%) by week 6 and in 49% (95%CI 37-51%) and 32% (95%CI 23-42%) by week 14. Ulcerative colitis, clinical response and remission was achieved in 43% (CI 95% 37-49) and 25% (CI 95% 12-45) by week 6 and in 51% (95%CI 43-61%)and 30% (95%CI 24-36%) by week 14/22; at week 52, clinical response and remission.
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Entyvio also known as Vedolizumab for Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis: IV: 300 mg at 0, 2, and 6 weeks and then every 8 weeks thereafter.
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