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According to the source below, Iota does not have formal relationships with many corporations. Also there are inefficiencies in the software design. Coinbase does not have Iota as of late December 2017 but Coinspot in Australia does allow you to transfer in Litecoin and then buy Iota.
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Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
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According to the source below, Iota does not have formal relationships with many corporations. Also there are inefficiencies in the software design. Coinbase does not have Iota as of late December 2017 but Coinspot in Australia does allow you to transfer in Litecoin and then buy Iota.
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2 MILLION AMERICANS WILL SUFFER FROM ADDICTION TO PRESCRIPTION OR ILLICIT OPIOIDS. President Trump announces initiative on opioid addiction in 2018. Methadone treatment was associated with a lower risk of severe food insecurity according to an article published on Pubmed.gov.
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2 MILLION AMERICANS WILL SUFFER FROM ADDICTION TO PRESCRIPTION OR ILLICIT OPIOIDS. President Trump announces initiative on opioid addiction in 2018. Methadone treatment was associated with a lower risk of severe food insecurity according to an article published on Pubmed.gov. Another study showed methadone maintenance treatment is associated with greater reductions in heroin use, blood borne virus risk behaviours, drug-related illegal behaviours, and monthly drug spending compared with center based compulsory treatment in Vietnam.
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June 2018 - Tesla is expected to deliver 118,000 model 3 electric cars in 2018 according to Keybanc. This would be about $4.7 billion in revenue.
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Five main types of choledochal cysts according to Todani classification, type I: ◦Ia: dilatation of extrahepatic bile duct (entire) ◦Ib: dilatation of extrahepatic bile duct (focal segment) ◦Ic: dilatation of the common bile duct portion of extrahepatic bile duct •type II: true diverticulum from extrahepatic bile duct •type III: dilatation of extrahepatic bile duct within the duodenal wall (choledochocoele) •type IV: next most common◦IVa: cysts involving both intra and extrahepatic ducts ◦IVb: multiple dilatations/cysts of extrahepatic ducts only •type V: multiple dilatations/cysts of intrahepatic ducts only (Caroli disease)
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February 2020 - Tesla stock has risen from $180 in the middle of 2019 to a high of $960 this year. One analyst expects Tesla to have a $1 Trillion in revenue within a decade. The analyst also put a $7,000 price target on the stock. Considering an average price of a Tesla Model 3 at $42,000, this would mean they would sell 23.9 million cars in one year. According to statista.com, 77 million cars were sold worldwide in 2019. Tesla's market cap is $145 billion and it sold 367,500 cars in 2019. It's currently worth $389,000 per car sold. #stocks
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