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Three days of Tennis in Miami. Clockwise from top. Hard Rock Stadium Miami Open 2021. Port Miami Tennis courts. Tennis Center at Crandon Park, rates starting at $5 per player per hour. #tennis

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The lactulose breath test can be used to detect bacterial overgrowth. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth can cause symptoms such as bloating and abdominal pain. It occurs when there is an excessive number of bacteria in the small intestine. Diabetes can be a risk factor for bacterial overgrowth. The test takes about three hours. If the test is positive, then patients can be treated with antibiotics.
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Pandora has an alarm feature on their mobile phone app. It lets you wake up to your favorite station. Here are the instructions for the Android app. The iPhone app probably has similar instructions. Click on the three bar settings button on the upper right corner. Scroll to the bottom and click the "on" button to turn on the alarm feature. Then click on the left side of the alarm button to change settings of the alarm as the time, station, repeating on weekdays or weekends, and snooze.
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Blood in the fundus, body, and antrum interfering with visualization. Grade 2 esophageal varices with nipple sign[]. Banded times three with eradication of varices.
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Propranolol 10 mg PO BID on on discharge titrated by heartrate. Octreotide drip for three days.
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Create posts with three advertisements. Monetize your posts and earn money from referral programs like Amazon Associates. Reply to posts and link freely to other posts.
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Monetize your posts by adding three advertisement links to each post. Create links to referral programs such as Uber or Amazon Associates. Reply and link freely to other people's posts.
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Snapchat reported terrible losses in November 2017. The stock went from 15 to 12.5. For several companies, the stock price is pure speculation for three months culminating in one day of actual financial results. The only thing that stopped the stock from going lower was that A Chinese company Tencent bought 10 percent of the stock in the open market. Probably a smart move since the price has dropped from the IPO.
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Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with variceal banding and control of hemorrhage. Esogphagus - Grade 2 esophageal varices with stigmata of recent bleeding including cherry red spots. Banded times three with eradication of varices. Bleeding from the varices during the procedure had stopped at the end of the procedure. Esophagus was otherwise normal. Gastritis with edema and portal hypertensive gastropathy in the antrum, body, and fundus. Duodenum was normal. Propranolol 10 mg PO BID on discharge titrated by heartrate. Octreotide drip for three days. Clear liquid diet today, soft diet tomorrow, then resume low sodium diet the next day barring complications. The patient needs to follow up with gastroenterology to discuss repeat EGD in 2 weeks. Message was sent to clinic for follow up. Bleeding source was esophageal varices.
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Variceal Banding Recommendations: Propranolol 10 mg PO BID on discharge titrated by heartrate. Octreotide drip for three days. Clear liquid diet today, soft diet tomorrow, then resume low sodium diet the next day barring complications. Bleeding source was esophageal varices. The patient needs to follow up with gastroenterology to discuss repeat EGD in 2 weeks.
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