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The three advertisement links are saved automatically after submission. To reload the links and text, click on Load Ad Data. The information is saved using Javascript. ...Read more | Unlocked iPhone 7

Stocks down for 2016 Mylan. European countries Italy. ...Read more | Unlocked iPhone 7

Added a feature which lets you load the advertisements from the prior post to a new post. ...Read more | Unlocked iPhone 7

For 2017, if Tesla sells 100,000 cars with a market capitalization of $45.3 billion, the company is worth $453,000 per car sold. The model 3 will sell in large quantities, it might sell for an average of $43,000 per car. ...Read more | Unlocked iPhone 7

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Total market funds within the United States have provided a great return since the financial crisis. However, the Vanguard International Fund has outperformed the Dow Jones US Total Stock Market Index by about 40% since 2009. International funds can help you invest across different monetary policies and government policies and provide the greatest possible return for your investments.
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Create posts with three advertisements. Monetize your posts and earn money from referral programs like Amazon Associates. Reply to posts and link freely to other posts.
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Monetize your posts by adding three advertisement links to each post. Create links to referral programs such as Uber or Amazon Associates. Reply and link freely to other people's posts.
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Will cryptocurrencies save writing? Micropayments for reading articles was an early idea of the internet. However, advertising has become the most widely used method to monetize content. Paid subscription is the second option. A third option was to accept small payments for each article written. However, the fees associated with prior payment methods were prohibitive. Cryptocurrencies have gained significant attention in 2017 with Bitcoin surging in price by 1700% to $14,000 in early December 2017. Now, an easier method is available to accept micro-donations is available. Bitcoin transaction fees can be prohibitive. Litecoin transaction fees have been smaller, as little as 0.4%. Write your own post by clicking reply. Donate with Bitcoin: 1Juq1ULc41vcy1ksJ1HcHrsMKnT1bywsy2 || Donate with Litecoin at Lb5yfdMvvRDJZLDqkmLhLBTJPXa2QKCBMC
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