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Medical management as deemed appropriate. IVF.
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Create content with your Adsense code shown above. Link to notes from other people to drive traffic. Instead of making posts on social media websites and earning no money, start making money with posts here at Two Cents.
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Share your posts on social media such as Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter.
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Listening to Pandora and hoping to find an inspiring song. Social media aggregates everybody's musings into a stream and then inserts advertisements.
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Noted Business Concepts - several websites are using free youtube videos to generate advertising revenue. They embed a free youtube video into their website. Then they make a title which will generate clicks when shared on social media. Usually, it's a title with a question at the end. For example, "When they step out from the screen? I'm smiling." This example is actually from an Ad Council youtube video, and it highlights the use of high quality content from a public source (c
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Epigastric abdominal pain - Differential diagnosis includes peptic ulcer disease[]. Risks/benefits of EGD discussed with patient including bleeding, infection, perforation, and death. Patient agreeable to proceed with upper endoscopy. This is an example of a Meditech template. Use F2 to move between text areas.
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Linzess dose for chronic idiopathic constipation is 145 mcg by mouth once a day. A lower dose is 72 mcg per day, and a higher dose is 288 mcg per day. Other prescription medications for constipation include Amitiza and Trulance.
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Normal physical exam template for Meditech or Medhost. - GENERAL: Not in acute distress - HEENT: Moist mucous membranes - NECK: Supple. - PULMONARY: Clear to auscultation bilaterally. No wheezes, rales, or rhonchi. - CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: Positive S1 and S2. No murmurs, gallops, or rubs. - ABDOMEN: soft, non-tender, positive bowel sounds. - EXTREMITIES: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. - PSYCHIATRIC: Pleasant and cooperative
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Enter your health infomration by copying and pasting the form below. Entries are permanent. HPI: Enter your main current problems including length of time, location, alleviating and exacerbating factors PMH: Enter your past medical history including prior diagnosis such as hypertension and surgeries. Medications: Enter your current list of medications Allergies: Family History: medical history in your family Social History: Tobacco, Drugs, Alcohol ROS: any other symptoms Labs, Radiology, Procedures: Enter prior labs, x-rays, CT scans, endoscopies, or other procedures. Physical: Enter any physical findings you've noticed Assessment/Plan: Enter working assessments and what you would like to gain from posting this information.
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HPI: 57 year old female presented with epigastric abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.

Past Medical History: Diabetes mellitus

Medications: Lantus


Family History: No history of colon cancer

Social History: 1 pack of cigarettes per day

Review of Systems: heartburn, constipation

Physical Exam: Epigastric tenderness

Labs/Radiology/Procedures: Normal abdominal x-ray

Assessment/Plan: EGD
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<p>HPI: 57 year old female presented with epigastric abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. <p>Past Medical History: Diabetes mellitus<p>Medications: Lantus<p>Allergies: <p>Family History: No history of colon cancer<p>Social History: 1 pack of cigarettes per day<p>Review of Systems: heartburn, constipation<p>Physical Exam: Epigastric tenderness<p>Labs/Radiology/Procedures: Normal abdominal x-ray<p>Assessment/Plan: EGD to evaluate for gastric outlet obstruction. If no gastric outlet obstruction, then gastric emptying study to evaluate for diabetic gastroparesis.
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