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Five patients on mechanical ventilation improved after receiving plasma from people who recovered from #coronavirus. -JAMA March 27, 2020
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April 1, 2020 - Mount Sinai in New York City has started a research study of transfusing plasma from donors who have recovered from coronavirus 21 days prior. Thousands have volunteered to donate plasma. #coronavirus ...Read more | Mount Sinai

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Two Cents encourages linking since it helps users navigate through conversations. It also generates traffic between different content providers. Bloggers usually need to get permission from other bloggers to obtain links from other blogs. Two Cents allows open linking. After you write a post, anyone who replies gets a link to their own post. The first five replies are shown and more can be seen by clicking on the link to see more replies. The more replies pages advertising is owned by Two Cents.
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Snapchat introduced a new advertising format in its discover section. There was a new re rectangle clearly marked sponsored for HBO. There was a sequence of five snaps for HBO shows followed by a snap to swipe up for a free episode that went to HBO's website. If a company is willing to pay for access to the discover screen, this may be a good source of revenue. Facebook usually has a sponsored story on the first screen of your news feed.
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Five main types of choledochal cysts according to Todani classification, type I: ◦Ia: dilatation of extrahepatic bile duct (entire) ◦Ib: dilatation of extrahepatic bile duct (focal segment) ◦Ic: dilatation of the common bile duct portion of extrahepatic bile duct •type II: true diverticulum from extrahepatic bile duct •type III: dilatation of extrahepatic bile duct within the duodenal wall (choledochocoele) •type IV: next most common◦IVa: cysts involving both intra and extrahepatic ducts ◦IVb: multiple dilatations/cysts of extrahepatic ducts only •type V: multiple dilatations/cysts of intrahepatic ducts only (Caroli disease)
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Bench press dumbbells starting with three sets 10 reps of 50 pounds then decreasing by five pounds to failure reps to 25 pounds. #fitness
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Five patients on mechanical ventilation improved after receiving plasma from people who recovered from #coronavirus. -JAMA March 27, 2020
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Bai antioxidant cocofusion is supe sweet but only has five calories. It uses stevia and erythritol. #food Madagascar coconut mango
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Phillips Norelco OneBlade. Excellent for shaving stubble after five days. Price varies from $24 to $41. Less irritation than multi head electric razors. Battery charge holds for several months.
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MRCP had a specificity of 92 percent for choledocholithiasis. If a patient does not have choledocholithiasis, MRCP is 92 percent correct. It has an 87 percent sensitivity for choledocholithiasis. If a patient has choledocholithiasis, it will be correct 87 percent of the time. This is from five studies results pooled together.
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Prior authorization by an insurance company for an EGD requires four weeks of proton pump inhibitor therapy. 2022. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) Section(s): EGD 1.1: Dyspepsia/Upper Abdominal Symptoms, we cannot approve this request. Your records show that your doctor wants to check you for disease in your stomach. The request cannot be approved because: The requested test or one like it may be supported for one of the following reasons. -You are 60 years of age or older. -A person related to you has had serious disease in the stomach or the tube in your throat that leads to your stomach. -You have lost weight (more than five percent) without trying. -You have blood in your stool or vomit. -You have trouble swallowing. -You have a hoarse voice. -You have vomiting that does not stop. -Results of a prior study were not normal. -You did not improve following a trial of at least four weeks of treatment.
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Stocks are declining with high inflation rates in September 2022. Five year charts with 200 day moving averages show how far above historic levels stocks have been trading. Google would need to get to 92 to get back to the 200 day moving average.
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