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Writing longer posts helps advertiser networks find relevant ads for your visitors. The character limit for Two Cents is currently 500 characters. To protect your content, only the first 100 characters are shown in replies and the search page.
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Create flashcards and earn money by writing a question with one post and then replying with the answer on the next post. Link together a series of questions and answers. Click on reply to make a question.
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Apple opened up a new source of revenue and it can be accessed by all of its devices. Swipe right from the home screen to see the News Video of the Day. After swiping through a few videos, an advertisement video is shown. They are competing directly with Youtube for video advertising now. To support the writing on this website, donate with Litecoin at Lb5yfdMvvRDJZLDqkmLhLBTJPXa2QKCBMC
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iOS updates on the Apple iPhone can have a tendency to brick your phone. The brick screen states to plug the iPhone into your computer with iTunes and try updating the iOS software. This does not work. The iOS needs to be updated in DFU mode. Dr. Fon requests payment for this after downloading an update but the link below does shows how to do it for free. To support the writing on this website, donate with Litecoin at Lb5yfdMvvRDJZLDqkmLhLBTJPXa2QKCBMC
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Will cryptocurrencies save writing? Micropayments for reading articles was an early idea of the internet. However, advertising has become the most widely used method to monetize content. Paid subscription is the second option. A third option was to accept small payments for each article written. However, the fees associated with prior payment methods were prohibitive. Cryptocurrencies have gained significant attention in 2017 with Bitcoin surging in price by 1700% to $14,000 in early December 2017. Now, an easier method is available to accept micro-donations is available. Bitcoin transaction fees can be prohibitive. Litecoin transaction fees have been smaller, as little as 0.4%. Write your own post by clicking reply. Donate with Bitcoin: 1Juq1ULc41vcy1ksJ1HcHrsMKnT1bywsy2 || Donate with Litecoin at Lb5yfdMvvRDJZLDqkmLhLBTJPXa2QKCBMC
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Pariom Time allows you to write notes that last from one day to thirty days. Photos can also be uploaded. The hashtag #stocks at the link below creates an image map with stocks arranged by price earnings ratio. When writing in Time, x and y values can be entered. In the stocks hashtag, the numbers are used to create the image at the bottom of the page with links to each post. Reply to this note with other equations you would like coded for hashtags at Time.
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