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The Affordable Care Act was signed into law to improve America's healthcare system.
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Individual stock picking involves significant risk. Looking at the investor relations section for Twitter, it appears they bring in significant revenue. Total revenue for 2014 is projected to be 1200 million, capital expenditure is 300 million, but stock expense is around 600 million. Once this company gets beyond stock expenses, it seems like it's profit margins would be exceptional.
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The Wolf of Wall Street is a good movie available for rent on Amazon and Google Play for $4. There doesn't seem to be much competition in rental prices for online streaming.
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Bought shares of GE to sell covered calls in October. Went down from $26 to $24. Made minimal money selling a $26 covered call and buying it back. Now the stock is back to $25.44. Possibly can sell another covered call around $25.5 at this price. It's possible GE will head back down to $24. Apple is doing well going from $99 to $104. Iphone 6 is selling well.
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Half price wings at Brian's Street Taverns on Wednesdays in Dallas.
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General electric is selling at 26 in December 2014. It's yielding 88 cents. Buying 100 shares and selling the 27 covered call for $1 would yield about 7 percent for the year. The stock trades down to 25 often, so that would be a time to sell out of the covered call.
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Listening to Pandora and hoping to find an inspiring song. Social media aggregates everybody's musings into a stream and then inserts advertisements.
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Noted Business Concepts - several websites are using free youtube videos to generate advertising revenue. They embed a free youtube video into their website. Then they make a title which will generate clicks when shared on social media. Usually, it's a title with a question at the end. For example, "When they step out from the screen? I'm smiling." This example is actually from an Ad Council youtube video, and it highlights the use of high quality content from a public source (c
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12 centimeters comes up twice in Gastroenterology. It's the length of the duodenum. Rectal cancer is defined as located 12 centimeters from the anal verge.
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General Electric has January 2017 puts which can generate abut a 9% yield if you're selling covered puts. A covered put would require Level 1 options trading and the cash to buy shares. Posted - December 2015.
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