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Broad market investments can be a sound financial investment. Broad indexes beat most financial managers. The total stock market indexes offer broader diversification than the S and P 500. They invest in 2000 to 5000 stocks.
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The Vanguard Total International Fund has about 15% allocated to England and 15% to Japan. It seems to favor European stocks. Brazil, Russia, India and China have less than 5% allocations. The overall investment fees are reasonable at 0.22%.
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Total market funds within the United States have provided a great return since the financial crisis. However, the Vanguard International Fund has outperformed the Dow Jones US Total Stock Market Index by about 40% since 2009. International funds can help you invest across different monetary policies and government policies and provide the greatest possible return for your investments.
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Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock Index Fund Investor Shares provides significantly more exposure to Brazil, Russia, India and China. It is significantly more volatile, with a 50 percent drop and 70% increase around the financial crisis. Expense ratios are 0.33%. The fund has 20% invested in China. Other countries with greater than 10% allocation are India, Taiwan, and Brazil.
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Individual stock picking involves significant risk. Looking at the investor relations section for Twitter, it appears they bring in significant revenue. Total revenue for 2014 is projected to be 1200 million, capital expenditure is 300 million, but stock expense is around 600 million. Once this company gets beyond stock expenses, it seems like it's profit margins would be exceptional.
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One engineer at Twitter earned 10 million in stock compensation in one year. An engineer at Facebook apparently earned 24 million. The revenue at these companies is significant, so they can afford to pay engineers these salaries. The competition for talented engineers is also increasing these payouts.
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Bought shares of GE to sell covered calls in October. Went down from $26 to $24. Made minimal money selling a $26 covered call and buying it back. Now the stock is back to $25.44. Possibly can sell another covered call around $25.5 at this price. It's possible GE will head back down to $24. Apple is doing well going from $99 to $104. Iphone 6 is selling well.
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General electric is selling at 26 in December 2014. It's yielding 88 cents. Buying 100 shares and selling the 27 covered call for $1 would yield about 7 percent for the year. The stock trades down to 25 often, so that would be a time to sell out of the covered call.
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Bought shares of General Electric at $24.25 in December 2014. Sold a covered call at 25 for June 2015 at 1.15. Price of the stock dropped around 23.5. Bought back the covered call for $0.50 in January 2015. Now, September 2015 25 calls are selling at 0.94. GE also has a nearly 4% yield for the year.
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Stocks down for 2016 Mylan. European countries Italy.
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