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Such strong sales growth, combined with benefits from the company's increasing focus on efficiency, unsurprisingly led to significant operating margin expansion and, ultimately, a more than doubling in earnings per share. Meta's operating margin expanded from 25% in the year-ago quarter to 38%, while earnings per share rose 114% to $4.71. #meta down after April 2024 earnings 14 percent #stocks
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The lactulose breath test can be used to detect bacterial overgrowth. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth can cause symptoms such as bloating and abdominal pain. It occurs when there is an excessive number of bacteria in the small intestine. Diabetes can be a risk factor for bacterial overgrowth. The test takes about three hours. If the test is positive, then patients can be treated with antibiotics.
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, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
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But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.
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Monetize your posts by adding three advertisement links to each post. Create links to referral programs such as Uber or Amazon Associates. Reply and link freely to other people's posts.
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Google reported great earnings and stock went up 60 points. Amazon reported surprising earnings and the stock went up 13%. The difference is that Amazon's Price Earnings is 250 while Google is hovering below 40. Amazon has a lot more to prove with it's cloud services and retail endeavors. Did Walmart have such a high price earnings in it's first twenty years?
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Patreon allows monthly subscriptions for creators. Can donations be enough to help writers or video makers? The business model would be that people would continue to create as long as donations continue to flow into their digital wallets. Cryptocurrencies such as litecoin have low transaction fees and allow donations with a block of text such as the one at the end of this paragraph. The block of text can be entered inside a Coinbase wallet to send money. Money does not have to be aggregated at a central site. The other model is to create a bill for content consumers and then release content to people who have paid. This would be the traditional billing model used by newspapers and magazines. Would there be writers at major newspapers interested in trying this model? Write a better article on here for a chance to get litecoin. Write your own post, click reply. Donate with Bitcoin: 1Juq1ULc41vcy1ksJ1HcHrsMKnT1bywsy2 || Donate with Lite
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Turn $74,000 into $1.54 billion in 6 years. Bitcoin wallet addresses are public and they show the total amount present inside the wallet. One wallet had 79,956 bitcoins in 2011. No bitcoins were bought or sold. In six years, the value of this wallet went from $74,363 in 2011 to $1,543,066,663 at the end of 2017. It would be difficult to find such a return in investment history. The only similar returns may be for the Instagram or Youtube founders. Support this site with cryptocurrency donations. Send money from your Coinbase or other wallet to the following addresses. Donate with Bitcoin: 1Juq1ULc41vcy1ksJ1HcHrsMKnT1bywsy2 || Donate with Litecoin at Lb5yfdMvvRDJZLDqkmLhLBTJPXa2QKCBMC
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12/30/17 - enter a bitcoin address at the Coinbase wallet and put in $5 to send. The transaction fee is $16.60. Other currencies such as ripple and verge are available through Coinspot.
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Barriers to global trade. Instant payments would facilitate global trade. However, to have instant payments, a person needs a bank account and a way to accept credit card payments. Some payment processors require a 3% fee to accept credit card payments. Low cost cryptocurrencies such as Litecoin can be a solution to facilitating global trade. Shifting between two currencies also creates significant fees which can also be solved by using a single cryptocurrency. Other controllable costs are shipping expenses and tariffs.
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